I wrote this poem at the beginning of my adoption journey. It was healing, liberating and for the first time I was proud to be me. There is something special about putting pen to paper and writing your story down. Writing is powerfully beautiful.
Do get in touch if you would like to share your poem, writing or story.. etc
Finding joy
By Joy Carter

I was found one day in Nigeria a troubled land
Where famine and war go hand in hand
Where life for many is as the damned
The Biafra war raged on and on
The hospitals were full people’s livelihoods gone
Locals displaced frantically moving to and from
I was born in the bush with my sister a twin
Things looked bleak with no next of kin
The race to survive had now to begin
She died my little sister just too weak to cope
I was left screaming my only family bond broke
A miracle now was my only hope
A miracle was driving by at the time of my birth
In the form of a ‘Save the Children’ fund nurse
An old lady at the roadside cried ‘stop’ to break my curse
The kind nurse parked up her beaten up jeep
And followed the old lady into the bush deeper and deep
Then mysteriously vanished in a single leap
Were the old lady had stood and led
Two babies were found one living one dead
The nurse picked me up then the scene we fled
The fighting from the war circled now around
Dangerously we drove to the only hospital in town
I joined fifty other babies and the injured painful sounds
Two years prior to my tale
Two young people met, fell into a love never to fail
Eventually they married had a baby bought a cradle
A charming little family they were a happy one
But seeing the wars atrocities ‘something must be done’
Said Mr Carter as he offered help despite work and a young son
At the hospital ‘What can we do?’ Mrs Carter softly said
Her eyes glanced nervously around the sickened room smelling of dread
The nurse said ‘Look after a child please, we lack beds!’
Suddenly out of the screaming fifty someone lifted me high
And handed me to the family with a twinkle of hope in her eye
‘She’s just in thanks’ said the nurse tiredly with a sigh
Sickly I was covered in sores and not pretty
The family coped with a little money in the kitty
Every night they sang me a lullaby of loves ditty
Three weeks passed ‘I can’t let this one go’
Mrs Carter agreed ‘She fits right in tow’
They both decided to adopt me to end my woe
‘Don’t pick that one choose a child that’s well’
Warned a hospital nurse with words as shrill as a bell
Mr Carter said ‘we’ve made up our mind all is well
Besides even if she only lives another week
Her life is worth it to us, but we will keep
Praying for a miracle healing from our Lord we will seek’
The prayers were answered as God showed loving grace
Leading us to the UK after two years to a new place
Now I had to overcome people’s prejudice fear of race...
There is a bond beyond a blood tie
Deeper than love that will never die
That answers to an orphans cry
Completeness of family far beyond race
That moves even the western stony face
That can tie up a broken life making fine lace
That love was given to me by my parents dear
They banished famine and war’s evil leer
I crossed through cultures wall and nations to hear
The sound of hope resonance to me a joyful tone
Love conquers all as life challenges were overthrown
From a dire start I have a story to tell and beautifully own
Thank you for reading I hope encouragement you find
See life as a daily precious gift don’t live blind
Truly thankful I am to those who’ve always been kind